Tumblr Humor At Its Finest, Part Two

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In a previous blog post, I talked about the warped sense of humor that Tumblr users have. In this post I continue my investigation of Tumblr humor and what exactly people who use this social network find funny.

One thing that must be considered is Tumblr’s main audience. According to Business Insider, Tumblr “is strong with teens and young adults interested in self-expression” with 46% of its audience between the ages of 16 and 24. The type of humor generated thus caters to people who are currently in or just left the awkward stage of adolescence and are merging into adulthood.

The post above brings to light a dark past that I myself have experienced. Our generation began to embrace social media around seventh and eighth grade, a time that nearly everyone remembers as awkward. I remember sending many texts that proclaimed how random I was, and I also used the “xD” emoticon much more than should have been allowed.

Tumblr’s demographic also collectively remembers the same cartoons, movies, and music from their younger days. A few posts became popular in part because everyone knows the characters from the cartoon which got its start in the 90’s, Spongebob Squarepants.

Screenshot 2014-12-29 17.59.44Both “stepping on the beach” and the-groundskeeper’s caption “what i did in graphic design class today is” refer to popular Spongebob episodes. The picture itself imitates an older meme which takes The Perks of Being a Wallflower’s quote, “And in that moment, I swear we were infinite” and applies it to ridiculous situations like this one.

This next post kind of terrifies me.

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By itself, the picture is pretty funny. The character of Spongebob is oddly distorted and the accompanying text is nonsensical. But Tumblr, as usual, takes it further with these pieces of artwork by moopdrea and pentecost, respectively.

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These rather terrifying additions turn a funny post into a hysterical one.

Tumblr users are also fans of defying expectations…

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…being somewhat rude…

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…and using puns wherever humanly possible.

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Of course my favorite types of Tumblr humor are the completely odd and unexpected posts that just kind of jolt you.

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The staff of Tumblr understands its demographic and the type of humor its users have. So every once in a while, they get in on the fun as well. The following pictures are all a part of one post.

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My Favorite 2014 Tumblr Memes

It’s been a great year for memes in 2014.

I absolutely love Internet memes. From rickrolling to doge, the fact that a widely distributed group of people can laugh about the same thing and find endlessly unique ways to change it to enhance the humor demonstrates a type of communication and creativity that humanity has never really experienced before.

Tumblr has its own unique meme culture which often leaks to other platforms like Twitter and Reddit. Usually there’s one original post which people find funny or unexpected. The concept in this post is then twisted, changed, or combined with other memes to make it even funnier.

A very recent example surfaced on Tumblr just this month: Goats craving minerals. Here’s the original post:

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According to Business Insider, the post originally surfaced on Reddit, but the addition of sixpenceee’s caption made Tumblr go crazy. Soon, every Tumblr user was craving that mineral.Screenshot 2014-12-28 12.37.25 Screenshot 2014-12-28 12.37.36These pages have more great examples of this meme. Of course, “they crave that mineral” is only one of the most recent Tumblr memes in 2014. Here’s a list of some of my favorites from this year, including links to where you can find more examples of them:

Selfie Olympics

The Selfie Olympics started to grow in popularity in December 2013 and became Internet popular in January 2014. Tumblr and Twitter accounts were created to showcase the best and most challenging selfies people had ever taken. A few notable examples:

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This BuzzFeed article also has some examples of the best Selfie Olympic challengers of 2014.

It’s a Metaphor

John Green’s young adult novel The Fault in Our Stars was released as a movie in June 2014. One of the most memorable lines comes from the character Augustus Waters, who carries the same pack of cigarettes around but never lights one. In the teaser trailer of the movie, released in April 2014, Augustus tells another character, Hazel Grace, “It’s a metaphor, see. You put the thing that does the killing right between your teeth, but you never give it the power to kill you.”

This is the meme that resulted from the trailer:

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More examples of popular “It’s a metaphor” posts can be found here and here.

Free Him

This meme started with a post by transboyscout. He posted a picture of a Pikachu bouncy ball with the caption, “Free him.”

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The resulting meme:

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Fortunately, the widespread campaign to free Pikachu was eventually successful, thanks to Tumblr user ruinedchildhood:

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I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.

This meme seemed endless. According to Know Your Meme, it originated with a post by Tumblr user chardonnaymami in June:

Photo via Know Your Meme

Photo via Know Your Meme

However, some people thought it came from Nick Jonas, who supposedly tweeted the phrase soon after:

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In any case, the meme became very widespread and kept reappearing over the course of the summer.

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DashCon/The Ball Pit

In March 2013, a few Tumblr users decided that they wanted to create a fan convention specifically for Tumblr users. After Tumblr told them they couldn’t use the name “Tumbl-Con USA” (since it was not officially affiliated with Tumblr), the event was named “DashCon” after Tumblr’s dashboard. It was held July 11-13, 2014 in the Schaumburg Renaissance Convention Center in Illinois.

These are some great articles about the many failures of the event, but the main things that went wrong were that the hotel supposedly demanded $17,000 upfront to keep the convention running and the main speakers (Welcome to Night Vale) cancelled their appearance because they weren’t paid on time. In recompense for those who had bought tickets for Night Vale, DashCon personnel supposedly offered ticket holders “an extra hour in the ball pit” that was available at the convention:

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The strangest part is that this offer was not meant as a joke. Those in charge of DashCon seriously offered patrons an extra hour in this tiny ball pit for the loss of their tickets. It was perhaps inevitable that the ball pit became its own meme.

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And, of course, it wouldn’t be Tumblr if memes didn’t collide at every opportunity.

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Screenshot 2014-12-29 13.24.59These are just a few of my favorite Tumblr memes from 2014. My Halloween post shows an example of a few memes from later in the year. Let me know what your favorite memes were in the comments!

Come Together: When Tumblr Collaboration Becomes Awesome

One of Tumblr’s main features is that any user can add to any post. They can add comments, sources, pictures, reaction GIFs, anything that will supplement the original post’s message, prove it wrong, make it funnier, etc.

A lot of the time, Tumblr users create art based off of a text post to add an element of visualization, such as in the following examples:

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Tumblr user hauriret was inspired by nonbinaryeldritchhorror‘s post to create a piece of art and cited it as the stimulus for the artwork.

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The vision of the original user came to life with a work of art done by a different Tumblr user. The same thing happened in the next post. Suncalf created the text post, and dorirosa added the art to go along with it, uploading it directly to the original post.

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While some Tumblr collaborations result in amazing fanart, others add just the right touch of humor or wit to make the original post much funnier than it originally was.

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One of the most well-known examples of adding to a Tumblr post to make it hilarious is Tumblr user perchu’s addition to the “Moreos” post. His addition to shslvalkyrie‘s post made him Tumblr-famous and he in essence became his own meme.

The original post can be found by clicking the screenshot below. It featured a fake advertisement for “Moreos,” which separates the cream and cookie segments of Oreo cookies and allows the consumer to combine them in whatever quantity they want. Perchu’s reaction to this idea is interesting to say the least.

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Perchu’s intense use of profanity was part of what made his rant so hilarious. Completely overreacting to a post about Moreos made perchu extremely well-known on Tumblr, and to this day his username is tagged in multiple Oreo-related posts.

Finally, there have been some amazing audio posts created based off of text posts. On Tumblr these appear as audio files, but unfortunately I can’t transfer the audio files to WordPress. I’ve included links to Youtube videos which contain the full audio, and you can also click on the screenshots to see the original Tumblr posts.

This one makes me cry laughing. The original text post makes fun of the style of A-Ha’s song “Take On Me,” and the audio makes fun of the text’s posts interpretation of the style. It turns into a hilarious manipulation of the song.

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This post is one of my favorite examples of Tumblr users’ creativity. It started with a simple yet brilliant manipulation of FUN’s “Some Nights.” Lovelyklaine changed the lyrics to make the song apply to Tumblr users, and merryblangstmas (now found at the username brickshack) took the one verse and created a Tumblr-themed version of the entire song.

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The lyrics and merryblangstmas’ addition can be found here. If anyone ever asks you what Tumblr is about, this song is actually a pretty good description of the life of a Tumblr user.

Let me know if you have found any other examples of Tumblr collaborations!

Men-Haters or Rights Activists? Views on Tumblr Feminists

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Feminism is a hugely controversial issue today, especially on the web. The Twitter campaign #YesAllWomen, Emma Watson’s speech at the HeForShe Campaign, and Time Magazine’s inclusion of “feminist” in its list of words to ban in the new year are a few of the recent feminism-related topics that have gone viral this year.

The users I follow are largely pro-feminism. Just like with social justice bloggers, there are feminists who treat the issues fairly, cite their sources, and attempt to raise awareness, and there are feminists who aggressively attack opposing views and express hate toward men and anti-feminists. 

Recently, a Twitter campaign related to feminism has spread to Tumblr as well. According to this Huffington Post article, a Canadian writer named Anne Thériault was inspired to  give lines from the classic movie “The Princess Bride” a feminist twist using #feministprincessbride. Here are some examples:


While many Tumblr users loved this campaign and came up with their own examples of feminist Princess Bride quotes, others complained that feminists were ruining a great classic.

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There are two general views regarding Tumblr feminists, and both are represented in these two videos. The first represents the negative view of Tumblr feminists, the second the positive view. Both of them contain swearing, so view at your discretion.

As is often the case on Tumblr, users create humorous posts to make a point about controversial issues. This Twitter account mocking anti-feminist views has been circulating Tumblr recently. Here are some of examples of tweets from this account.


This comic, from dorkly.com, makes a point about what often happens when women reveal their gender on Xbox Live… and the consequences of misunderstanding what the male players are trying to tell them. It still comes up on my Tumblr dashboard every once in a while. comic1 comic2 comic3 comic4

Check out the feminism tag on Tumblr, and you’ll start to get a sense of the opposing views people have on Tumblr feminists and what being a “feminist” is actually about. Let me know where you stand on this topic!

Raising Awareness: The Positive Side of Social Justice on Tumblr

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When I first joined Tumblr, I expected to find a lot of posts related to my favorite TV shows, movies, and books, and I did. But I, like this Tumblr user, also ended up gaining awareness of extremely significant social issues as a result of social justice bloggers. While this term has both positive and negative connotations on Tumblr, in this post I’m going to focus on the positive side.

Although not all Tumblr posts are 100% accurate, and not all online sources can be trusted, several social justice posts have simply made me more aware that certain issues exist when I would not have known about them otherwise. Here is a good example of one social issue those with disabilities face:


The picture leads to a post by Tumblr user neecygrace. Neecygrace’s friend has an invisible illness, or one which is not physically noticeable. This is one of around 30 handwritten notes this user’s friend has received. The writer of the note believed the friend was misusing a handicapped sign simply because the writer could not see any obvious visible handicaps when the woman left her car, such as a wheelchair or a crutch. But invisible illnesses, such as rheumatoid arthritis, are not obvious handicaps. This post was one which educated me on invisible illness, something I had never thought about before.

This somewhat humorous post was taken from the YouTube channel College Humor. Tumblr user jonsnowflakes posted a link to their video “Diet Racism:”

The video is presented in a humorous light, but it is a critical commentary on the more subtle forms of racism in our culture today. This video has over 100,000 notes on Tumblr. Jonsnowflakes’ posted the video and added that “Collegehumors’ new video is on point as always.”

The official Huffington Post Tumblr page also recognizes Tumblr’s attitude toward raising awareness of social issues. The page used GIFs from a video sponsored by FCKH8 to advocate for awareness of racism today, particularly in respect to the issues in Ferguson. Click the post to see the full version with GIFs.

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This post is a good example of a news organization using Tumblr’s unique features (such as GIFs) to promote one of their stories as well as recognizing the topics Tumblr users generally care about. Posts updating users on the current situation in Ferguson continue to appear today, a few months after the events occurred.

There are several other examples of Tumblr users positively raising awareness of social issues such as cultural appropriation, feminism, and sexuality. These topics will be discussed in later posts. While social justice bloggers often go too far, as discussed in one of my earlier posts, I do know that I have learned a lot about societal issues from browsing Tumblr of which I would have remained ignorant had I never joined the site.

It’s Time for a Revolution: Staff Changed the Tumblr Layout (Again)

When I was on Facebook throughout middle and high school, every few months there would be some huge update which would completely change the layout and style of the site. One of the biggest changes was the addition of Facebook’s timeline in September of 2011. When the changes were implemented, everyone went crazy. The people I followed on Facebook hated the change, and it took a long time to get used to it.

This happens on Tumblr as well. One of the running jokes in the past year or so was that, every time the staff made a minor change, Tumblr would rally for the real change they needed: improving the video player, which took a ridiculously long time to buffer videos. Recently, the video player was changed, but Tumblr still isn’t satisfied; the new player starts videos automatically, much like Facebook’s video player, although you need to click for sound.

The most recent change came last Thursday, October 30. Here’s an example of what the new layout looks like:

Screenshot 2014-11-03 16.07.45I scrolled down my dash, but one of the differences is that the top bar now stays on the page as you scroll. On that Thursday, the staff sent out a post explaining the “li’l” changes they had made:

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The post from staff.tumblr.com

This article explains one of the main problems with the wider posts: user’s graphic images are now distorted and most of them have to be updated, which takes a lot of work. The sticky header is more of an irritation which users will likely grow accustomed to very soon, just as Facebook users eventually got used to the timeline feature.

However, other Tumblr users have taken advantage of the fact that they can now make the background of posts the same color as Tumblr’s background rather than have a white border around it. I’ve included some examples below. You can still click the links for the original posts, but unfortunately they are best appreciated on one’s dashboard. Let me know if you see any more examples of these great new posts!

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It’s good to know that even an awful layout change won’t affect Tumblr users’ sense of humor. If you’re curious about what Tumblr looked like in previous years, check out the screenshots on this post. 

Hidden Geniuses: Tumblr’s Brilliant Fanart

One of my absolute favorite things about being a part of the Tumblr community is seeing spectacular works of art on a daily basis.

Tumblr’s artists post fanart to the site very freely, sharing their gorgeous works with the communities who will love them the most. These original works can be crossovers with other TV shows or movies, cartoon panels giving the artist’s take on the newest episode, and countless other variations. I myself have a fanart tag on my Tumblr page where I reblog great artwork. In this post, I’ve included a few of my favorite examples of Tumblr fanart.

One of the most well-known Tumblr artists is Alice Zhang. She has posted her art for years and often sells her pieces at conventions. This is her interpretation of Starlord, the main character of the recent movie “Guardians of the Galaxy.” Click the picture for the original post.

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Some pieces combine fandoms and historical artwork. This fanart by yamiswift places Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the role of Rosie the Riveter.

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This fantastic crossover combines the characters from Marvel Studio’s “Thor” with the popular Broadway musical “Wicked.” With fanart, there are no limitations. Any genre, any book, any movie can be combined with anything to make a great original work. I absolutely love Tumblr users’ endless creativity. This piece was done by velvet-toucher. (Warning: Some of the art featured on the page is NSFW).

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Here’s a picture of the original Wicked poster that the user imitated.


Photo via Frank Gumola on Flickr

Euclase is another popular Tumblr fanartist. She creates pieces of art on Photoshop based on her favorite fictional characters. This one depicts Tom Hiddleston’s character Henry in his recent film “Henry V.”

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This fanart by natalaze shows Dean Winchester, one of the main characters of “Supernatural.”

Screenshot 2014-10-25 19.41.42Some art is based off of text posts. The post serves as the inspiration for a truly brilliant or comedic piece. This work by not-a-comedian, ironically, is hilarious. The text post combines Gotye’s song “Somebody That I Used To Know” with Dr. Suess’ “Horton Hears a Who.” Not-a-comedian’s addition combines them artistically, putting the Seuss characters in the style of Gotye’s music video.

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For more amazing examples of fanart, you can check out the Tumblr tag. I’ll also link to some great art collections: This Spongebob anime fanart, an artist’s portrayal of Disney characters as real women, pompeii77’s lifelike artwork, and some awesome money art. Enjoy!

Attack of the Supernatural Fandom: Tumblr’s Adventures in Liveblogging

A popular event among the fandom side of Tumblr is liveblogging new episodes of TV shows. The entire fandom uses common hashtags that specify the fandom and the episode title in an attempt to keep their followers from seeing unwanted spoilers. I usually make the mistake of not bothering to block these tags, so I know most of the episode’s content before I watch it.

On Tuesday night I followed the tag “spn spoilers” and watched the Supernatural fandom liveblog season 10 episode 2, “Reichenbach.” This blog post does include spoilers, so if you haven’t watched that episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, read no further. I won’t be linking the actual posts to the pictures this time since I made screenshots of several posts at once, but feel free to check out this episode’s tag for yourself if you want to see other reactions.

The episode aired at 8:00 p.m. CT. I started glancing at the tags around 7:40 p.m. and followed them until the episode was complete.

Here is my liveblogging experience:

7:39 p.m. – Those in the Supernatural fandom begin to panic. Will I be able to livestream the episode? Will my Internet connection fail me? Will this episode be particularly suspenseful?Screenshot 2014-10-14 19.46.47 7:48 p.m. – We reach the 12-minute countdown. The excitement has reached a point where correct spelling is simply impossible.

Screenshot 2014-10-14 19.49.57 7:59 p.m. – Tumblr users begin to warn their followers to block the tags they’ll be using to follow the episode. It’s considered a common courtesy to tag your liveblogging so your followers can avoid spoilers. You also don’t want to drive off followers who aren’t in the fandom and who may get annoyed with your constant posts.

Screenshot 2014-10-14 19.59.27 8:02 p.m. – As the episode officially begins, there is general confusion. Often liveblog posts don’t contain many details but simply reactions to what is happening in the show. If you’re not watching the episode, you get very confused. Those who are watching feel like they’re “in the know.” Tumblr user winchesterdelight told me, “I feel like when I liveblog, I’m having a very fun party with others in the fandom as we watch the episode.”

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8:14 p.m. – The crack begins. The fandom version of “crack,” according to Urban Dictionary, is a theory/concept that is so crazy, one would only be able to think of it while on crack. On Tumblr it also refers to any silly manipulation of content. In this first post, a user changes the dialogue of the episode so it supports one of their favorite romantic pairings, Dean/Castiel. Tumblr users also talk about how hot the character of Dean Winchester is, a common topic among Supernatural fans.

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8:15 p.m. – I love when everyone blogs about the exact same thing at the exact same time. Tumblr user onlyonethatrocksmyworld agrees. She said, “When you scroll through the spn tag when the episode is airing chances are you’re going to see a lot of people reacting in the same way to the same thing, and that’s a very rewarding feeling as a fan. It’s cool to share that ‘DUDE SAME’ moment with people from around the world.” Here’s a good example:

Screenshot 2014-10-14 20.15.55 8:30 p.m. – The episode twist occurs as Dean Winchester rebels against his demon companion Crowley. People react to the surprising power shift by quoting the episode.

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8:40 p.m. – One of the main cliffhangers before the commercial break occurs. People understandably freak out about having to wait to see the anticipated Sam/Dean brotherly reunion.

Screenshot 2014-10-14 20.40.26 8:43 p.m. – No one calms down when the show returns. General panic ensues. As onlyonethatrocksmyworld observes, liveblogging “[is] very therapeutic. I’m glad that this platform exists for us to share our emotions with each other.”


Screenshot 2014-10-14 20.50.39 8:57 p.m. – Everyone, literally everyone, in the Supernatural fandom knows about Dean Winchester’s obsession with his car. So when Demon!Dean tells his brother, “It’s just a car,” the fandom does not react well and everyone is heartbroken.

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I do mean everyone.

Screenshot 2014-10-14 20.58.17 9:00 p.m. – The episode finally comes to an end and the promotion for the next episode airs. People speculate about the snippets in the promo.

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9:02 p.m. – By this time, the shock of the cliffhanger has mostly worn off. The panicked posts die down and people realize that the show has ended for another week.

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9:07 p.m. – Some users take this time to make a list of their reactions and thoughts for their followers. They’ll recap their favorite parts and ask for clarifications on points they missed or didn’t quite understand. Sometimes an episode is praised, and sometimes the entire fandom agrees it was terrible. “Reichenbach” was, by general consensus, a great episode. Screenshot 2014-10-14 21.03.25

About 10-15 minutes after an episode has ended, the use of the episode tag dies down. The “Spn spoiler” related tags, however, will be used throughout the week as people begin to post GIFs of their favorite moments from the episodes. Next Tuesday, these tags are used again for episode 10×03.

Winchesterdelight believes that “liveblogging might not be unique to Tumblr, but … the way that liveblogging occurs on Tumblr is unique.  Like, I’ve attempted live tweeting the episodes on Twitter, but it’s much more disjointed and not nearly as fun.  Tumblr makes it easier to find those who are watching and communicate with them about it, in my opinion.” Onlyonethatrocksmyworld agrees. She believes the 140 character limit on Twitter limits the liveblogging experience. On Tumblr, you’re able to tag multiple things without wasting space and you can post your full reaction.

The next time you’re watching your favorite geeky show alone (because literally no one else you know watches it), considering logging on to Tumblr as you watch the show and following the spoiler tag. It has always made my viewing experience more enjoyable.

Let’s Get Spoopy: Tumblr’s Weird Obsession with Halloween

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It’s October 1st–which means it’s officially Halloween? That’s what Tumblr (and, admittedly, every single store that sells Halloween candy/decorations) seems to think. I’ve actually been seeing October/Halloween-related posts on my dash since the beginning of September, though, so the Halloween obsession gets pretty intense.

The arrival of October brings back well-loved memes such as the impending skeleton war, Halloween-related puns and various “spoopy” and “creppy” posts. This is a time of year when Tumblr users flaunt the many inside jokes they have which often confuse the rest of the Internet. You know, same old Tumblr.

The spoopy meme originated on Flickr, but the most popular post it’s associated with on Tumblr is this one:

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Tumblr took that and ran with it. Countless posts exist about how “spoopy” and “creppy” Halloween is. For at least the two years that I’ve experienced Tumblr on Halloween, the spoopy tag has been used to identify people’s Halloween posts in all seriousness.

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Another one of my favorite Tumblr memes is the impending skeleton war which will apparently begin after the apocalypse or just, you know, whenever. It’s always best to be prepared.

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Finally, here’s a compilation of my favorite skeleton Halloween puns. These cartoons have been on my dash pretty much the entire summer and I literally never get tired of them. They’re all part of the same post and I even left one or two out due to foul language, so take a look at the complete post if you like. Happy October!!

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From a Fellow Tumblr User: The Good, the Bad, and the Unique

To get another Tumblr user’s perspective of the social networking site, I talked to one of my fellow sophomores at Creighton. Caitlin Wright and I are both English majors and we often bond over poetry and ridiculously difficult essays. She’s also majoring in Spanish with a minor in legal studies. And, like me, she is obsessed with Tumblr.

Photo courtesy of Caitlin Wright!

Photo courtesy of Caitlin Wright!

I asked her a few questions about her Tumblr experience, and some of her ideas may resurface later as separate blog posts.

Krysta: How many blogs do you have and what are the topics you normally blog about?

Caitlin: I have three different Tumblr blogs, one of them is kind of like a typical hipster Tumblr blog, so it has a lot of pictures on it of clothing and places and things like that. One of them is more of a comedy blog, so that one has more memes and things that I just think are funny and random posts, and then the third one is dedicated to my thoughts. That one is private, it’s set on private and it has a password and everything, so that one is just for me.

K: How long have you been on Tumblr?

C: I’ve been on Tumblr since, I think, 2010. It’s been four or five years, I think.

K: So what are some of the different trends you’ve noticed on Tumblr?

C: Tumblr’s a really interesting place because people back up these huge trends. The other day I was thinking about the Ridiculously Photogenic Guy that ran the marathon, and everyone backed him up. And the Tumblr community is just so strong … and it’s very interesting because they advertise themselves as this all-encompassing, accepting community, and they backlash at people like no other. I notice trends in current events, in world issues, also things in social media that people on Tumblr are promoting but it’s not always true. I feel like a lot of people support lies on Tumblr, but there’s also a lot of just really random funny stuff. That’s the main reason I use Tumblr.

K: What are some of the more positive trends you’ve noticed?

C: Tumblr’s a good place for body image issues, I think, because I’ve notice a lot of things that, I’ve noticed this a lot lately, but a lot of times people will post about, “You can be any size!” but really they’re promoting people who might be uncomfortable with being overweight, and a lot of times—and that’s come up in the media recently—it’s called skinny shaming, and I think Tumblr recognizes that as well. So the idea that it really does not matter what size you are because some people are naturally skinny and others naturally have more weight, and I think a lot of times we like to degrade those who are skinny because, you know, we think they’re shaming people who aren’t. I think we just need to learn to accept all body shapes and sizes and I know Tumblr’s a good community for that.

I’ve also noticed that there’s just a lot of support for mental disabilities as well, which is awesome. Tumblr’s a really great place to express how you’re feeling and I’ve noticed there’s always been so much support. Random people—that’s the awesome thing about Tumblr—random people will send something to your mailbox, like “Hey, beautiful, wanted to say have a great day;” that’s something kind of special because you don’t actually know them, they’re just telling you that they like your blog, they like what you’re interested in too, and they want to wish you a happy day.

K: And then, in contrast, what are some of the negative things you’ve noticed?

C: Like I said earlier, I think a lot of Tumblr users support things that aren’t necessarily true, so they’ll come up with some sort of idea that some celebrity or politician said some thing or another, when in reality they weren’t talking about that at all, and some Tumblr users will point that out and say, “This didn’t actually happen, we shouldn’t be supporting this,” or a picture might be floating around that’s Photoshopped or something like that. Also the idea that, again, even though there’s a lot of support for certain causes, there’s also a lot of backlash. I’ve also seen a lot of things that degrade others, so even if we’re promoting the idea that we should be accepting of all different social standings and mental handicaps or whatever, I’ve also seen a lot of people that will be like, “I hate when people do this,” and I’m one of those people that thinks that everyone has a right to do what they want to as long as it’s promoting the good of everyone, so we really shouldn’t be hating someone for doing something we don’t like—if they’re not hurting anybody I don’t think it matters.

K: What are some of the things you’ve noticed that make Tumblr completely unique from other social networks, like maybe Facebook or Twitter?

C: What’s interesting about Tumblr—and when I first joined I noticed this—is that there’s this secret rule that you’re not supposed to talk about Tumblr with other people, and I think that’s interesting. It’s kind of this place that you’re supposed to be more secretive about, it’s something where you’re not necessarily supposed to say who you are or what you’re about, and it’s like your alter ego in a way, and I think that’s how a lot of people use Tumblr is to promote this alter ego, this person that they can’t be in real life, but they really want to be. And I think that’s really interesting because Facebook and Twitter and Instagram are so narcissistic because a lot of people are posting pictures of themselves and want to promote their great life or the façade of their life, whereas Tumblr is this place where people try to relay their actual feelings and their actual aspirations, so that’s interesting in that aspect.

K: Yeah, I think it’s weird—and yeah, I’ve noticed that too—it’s kind of like the Fight Club of the Internet, that you don’t talk about it, and yet on Facebook and Twitter you always see screenshots of Tumblr posts everywhere. BuzzFeed is full of it.

C: Exactly, exactly, so people know what Tumblr is but they’re not gonna, like—I think it’s odd if someone promotes their own Tumblr, because that’s typically looked down upon in the Tumblr community. I think I was in ninth or tenth grade when I formed my own Tumblr. I asked a few of my friends, but they didn’t know what it was, but I really wanted a blog and I liked the atmosphere of Tumblr, just reblogging posts and stuff, and I know I watched some video on YouTube, and it was like, the rules of Tumblr, and one of them was like, “Rule #1: Don’t talk about Tumblr” and I was like, “Okay…” I wasn’t sure exactly what I was getting into, so that was interesting in that aspect.

Also the whole copyright thing, you shouldn’t copy other people’s posts because—which is true, you shouldn’t, but even if you like copy a picture and post it as your own, that’s really looked down upon and people will backlash at you, I’ve seen that a lot. It’s never happened to me personally but I’ve seen that on other posts, like “You copied this from someone else, I’m gonna unfollow you now!” and I think that’s really weird.

K: Is there anything else you want to say about Tumblr in general?

C: Tumblr specifically is just much different from any other blogging community because I feel like people don’t write as much as they post pictures or memes or just short little blurbs that they think are funny, whereas the actual idea of blogging is just writing down your day or even a vlog where you videotape what you did that day or something like that. It’s interesting that it’s almost all in pictures or in short posts or in fanfiction or something like that, but I really like that too because it’s so different. Tumblr never ceases to make me laugh or make me find a new place that I want to go to or new fashion trends or new music. I find new music and poetry all the time on Tumblr, which is really fun, so I just like the idea that it’s a new place for ideas.

Caitlin’s public blogs can be found at typewriters-anonymous or at wrightersworkshop.